It's a privilege to serve our Lord!
I Cor. 12:14 says, “For the body is not one member, but many.” The Bible pictures the church of Jesus Christ as a living, active body which works in unity to exalt Christ by the vehicle of SERVICE.
Dr. Chuck Phelps said, “In order for a Christian to be happy, he must serve. A Christian who fails to give through Christian service will become stagnant, complacent, and critical. The Christian who becomes actively involved in service will desire to learn more in order to serve better.”
Here are some opportunities to serve at New Life Bible Church. If you are looking for a place to utilize your spiritual gifts, yet your church is too large, or you feel inferior to others, please come and join us at our small local assembly. There are plenty of opportunities to serve your Savior.
1. Share in the cleaning of the church; help with a light Sunday breakfast meal
2. Help with the nursery rotation
3. Discipleship of a new or young Christian; help with visitation
4. Participate in special music, ensembles, etc.
5. Hospitality meals for those in need, those who are sick, missionaries, etc.
6. Public prayer and reading of the Scripture on Sunday
7. Assist in the offering counting rotation
8. Assist with teaching or sharing a devotional on Wed. evenings
9. Maintenance and grounds help
10. Prayer ministry- Join us Wednesday nights (7PM)
11. Communion preparation
12. Sunday school or Children church helper
13. Be a church greeter/usher on a designated Sunday of the month
14. Help plan and organize monthly church fellowship activities
15. Put together Pastor’s teaching booklets for the table in the lobby
16. Help with transporting folks to church