If you read Acts 17, in verse six, a mob of people went into the house of Jason looking for the followers of Christ (Paul, Silas, etc.). They dragged some of them out, and said, these men "have turned the world upside down."
Is your Christianity impacting this world for Christ? Is it turning the world upside down for Christ? Is your love for Christ and your love for others setting you apart (John 13:35)?
There's something wrong with our faith if everyone likes us (I Peter 2:8 "rock of offense"). There's something wrong with our position in Christ if we're living a life of ease and facing no persecution (II Timothy 3:12 "shall suffer"). There's something wrong with our Christianity if were not impacting our neighbors, friends, co-workers and relatives for the Lord (John 1:40-46 "Come and see").
How do people come to Christ? According to a particular survey...1% are walk-ins at church, 5% are from revival services at church, 8% are through church outreaches, 10% are the result of the pastor's influence, but 76% are through believers developing friendships at work, home, or in the community.
How's your Christianity?