Friday, July 27, 2007

The Early Church

Just like the early church, we at New Life Bible are meeting in a home- our home. The Wednesday Night Bible Study continues to be a sweet time of fellowship around God's Word. Last week, we had an attendance of ten folks who were eager to search the Scriptures. Our collective and individual faith continues to be strengthened. Two individuals were able to share exciting answers to prayer concerning a need for employment. We are always reminded and uplifted by Matthew 7:7- "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you."

We at NLBC believe that church planting is Scriptural. Below are a few reasons why we desire so passionately to continue in this work:
  1. Church planting is a biblical process (Acts 9:31; Acts 16:1-2, 5).
  2. The older most churches get, the less evangelistic they become (Acts 1:8). Statistically, almost half of all U.S. churches last year did not add one new individual through conversion growth. According to church researchers, most newcomers are simply a “circulation of the saints.” Someone once said: “Evangelism is not complete until the evangelized become the evangelists.”
  3. Numerous churches today are either stagnant or in a survival mode. There is a spiritual barrenness and deadness in our churches today. One church planter said: “Overall, 80-85% of U.S. churches are on the downside of their life cycle.”
  4. Church planting is the best way to reach the growing number of ethnic groups in America (Revelation 5:9). The mission fields are no longer entirely overseas. Statistically, over half of our U.S. population lives in 43 cities with populations of over one million. As of now, there are over five million people in the Dallas/Forth Metroplex.
  5. Church planting actively involves believers in the Great Commission (Mt. 28:18-20). It has been said: “The New Testament church is an organized body of saved and baptized believers united together for the main purpose of carrying out the Great Commission.” Larger churches become hiding places for saints who want the convenience of a New Testament church, but do not want to fulfill the Great Commission.
  6. Church planting confronts the surge of false religions in our country (I John 4:1). Immigrants to America have brought with them a legion of New Age/diverse religions.
  7. Church planting is cost efficient. The emphasis is ministry over maintenance; not big buildings.
  8. Church planting produces enthusiasm, renews vigor, and dispels complacency among God’s people. The focus is on Christ (I Corinthians 3:11), and not on personalities. Kingdom work is done with eternal results.