Friday, October 12, 2007

Church Service & Bowling Fellowship

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

What Does The Bible Say About MONEY?

Does money have a controlling influence over us? Do we worry about the lack of it? As a pastor I’ve found that the subject of money, its use and misuse, is normally the main topic of discussion in all domestic struggles. What does God’s Word say about this subject? How are we to use it and acquire it? What should be our perspective on finances? God has an incredible amount of instruction for us in regards to money:

1. Love people and God more than money- Matthew 6:33.
2. Adhere to sound financial principles (get out of debt; establish a budget; do not spend more than you take in; shut down impulsive buying; invest wisely)- Prov. 15:22.
3. Be content with what God has given you- I Timothy 6:8.
4. Remember always that God owns everything- Psalm 50:10-12; Exodus 19:5.
5. God promises to supply all our needs, not wants-Philippians 4:19.
6. Be conscious that one day your riches will perish- I Timothy 6:7; Job 1:21.
7. Give your employer an honest day's work for an honest day's wage-Colossians 3:22.
8. Do not be lazy in providing for your family-Proverbs 6:6.
9. God may withhold spiritual/material blessings due to a sinful life- Isa. 59:1-2.
10.Be cautious how you spend and acquire money-I Timothy 6:9-10.
11.God condemns the "love" of money- I Timothy 6:10.
12.Be concerned with "righteousness" over riches- I Timothy 6:11-12.
13.Give to God regularly, cheerfully & wholeheartedly- I Cor. 9:7;16:2.
14.Freely share what you have with others in need- I John 3:17.
15.Be thankful for what you have- I Thess. 5:18.


Thank you for praying for New Life Bible Church! God has brought two more families to join us in corporate worship. Last Saturday several of us passed out doorhangers in the surrounding community. This Sunday afternoon we will have our first NLBC activity with a noon meal at the church, followed by a time of bowling fellowship.

Our pulpit ministry at NLBC is paramount. We believe that God's Word is the panacea to all of life's problems. The Psalmist said (119:24): "Thy testimonies also are my delight and my counsellors." Here is a schedule of our preaching topics/themes for the next few months:

1. October- Applicable messages on the Christian life: How to handle pressure and stress; How to pray; The importance of private devotions; What does God say about money; Overcoming worry & discouragement; etc.
2. November- Preaching through our church goals
3. December- Christmas themes
4. January- Practical book study in Philippians